Understanding Gamete Donation as Infertility Aid with IVF MORE® Technology

Gamete donation is an act of generosity that transforms the lives of those facing infertility challenges. At Ingenes, IVF MORE® technology broadens the possibilities and effectiveness of these generous acts.

In Mexico, approximately one in six couples experiences infertility, and for many, gamete donation is the only way to fulfill their dream of having a baby. Thanks to IVF MORE® technology, we can personalize treatments more precisely, improving the success rates for gamete recipients.

Process and Safety in Gamete Donation: The donation of eggs and sperm is carried out under a confidential contract, ensuring the anonymity of all involved. Additionally, in specialized centers like ours, this process is safe for both donors and future babies, thanks to our advanced use of IVF MORE® technology in assessment and treatment.

Commitment and Satisfaction of Donors: Becoming a donor is a commitment many undertake with the satisfaction of helping others form a family. This process, though demanding, is rewarded by the positive impact on others’ lives, enhanced by the precision and care that IVF MORE® technology brings to each step.

Donor Experience: A recent study showed that donors feel happy and proud of their contribution. At Ingenes, we emphasize this positive experience, providing comprehensive support to our donors throughout the process.

To learn more about how you can contribute or benefit from gamete donation with IVF MORE® technology, visit our Donor Requirements and FAQs sections, or contact us directly.